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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 603-897

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Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Methods for Non-Hermitian Positive Definite Linear Systems

Zhong-Zhi Bai, Gene H. Golub, and Michael K. Ng

pp. 603-626

Convergence Analysis of Inexact Rayleigh Quotient Iteration

Yvan Notay

pp. 627-644

Real-Valued, Low Rank, Circulant Approximation

Moody T. Chu and Robert J. Plemmons

pp. 645-659

Inversion of Displacement Operators

Victor Y. Pan and Xinmao Wang

pp. 660-677

Modified Finite Sections for Toeplitz Operators and Their Singular Values

Bernd Silbermann

pp. 678-692

Computing the Smoothness Exponent of a Symmetric Multivariate Refinable Function

Bin Han

pp. 693-714

Values of Minors of an Infinite Family of D-Optimal Designs and Their Application to the Growth Problem: II

C. Koukouvinos, M. Mitrouli, and Jennifer Seberry

pp. 715-727

Commutation Relations for Toeplitz and Hankel Matrices

Caixing Gu and Linda Patton

pp. 728-746

Distribution of Subdominant Eigenvalues of Matrices with Random Rows

G. Goldberg and M. Neumann

pp. 747-761

A Counterexample to the Possibility of an Extension of the Eckart--Young Low-Rank Approximation Theorem for the Orthogonal Rank Tensor Decomposition

Tamara G. Kolda

pp. 762-767

A Kronecker Product Representation of the Fast Gauss Transform

Xiaobai Sun and Yujuan Bao

pp. 768-786

A Subspace Error Estimate for Linear Systems

Yang Cao and Linda Petzold

pp. 787-801

Least Squares Solution of Matrix Equation $AXB^* + CYD^* = E$

Sang-Yeun Shim and Yu Chen

pp. 802-808

Shifted Fourier Matrices and Their Tridiagonal Commutors

Stuart Clary and Dale H. Mugler

pp. 809-821

A Block Constant Approximate Inverse for Preconditioning Large Linear Systems

Ph. Guillaume, A. Huard, and C. Le Calvez

pp. 822-851

Efficient and Stable Solution of M-Matrix Linear Systems of (Block) Hessenberg Form

Luca Gemignani and Grazia Lotti

pp. 852-876

A Chart of Backward Errors for Singly and Doubly Structured Eigenvalue Problems

Françoise Tisseur

pp. 877-897